Our enterprise package is for organizations or associations seeking cost-effective ways to implement Well Works programs internally with many project leaders and frontline workers. Well Works will certify on-site client leaders, supervisors, and/or trainers to implement the licensed program and content internally, providing discounted and bulk seat pricing options.
Pre-built, high-quality, essential skills training program built specifically for our construction project and field leaders.
What do we mean by essential skills? Communication, effective leadership mindsets, motivating individuals and dynamic project teams, how to give productive feedback, managing conflict, emotional intelligence, etc.
Flexibility: Customization of program timing, cadence, and implementation.
Discounted Seats: Licensed content implemented by internal Well Works Certified
Coaches allow discounted, per-user, enterprise pricing.
Coach Certification: Upskilling of your current trainers and leaders on
implementation, management and coaching of the program while also providing
effective training and knowledge transfer methods to increase learning transfer in
your field crews through the coach certification process.