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Teachers, Parents and Influencers

Well Works would like to thank all of our teachers, parents, and educators out there. Your hard work, passion, and dedication does not go unrecognized and are greatly appreciated.
We have included some resources below to help support teachers, parents, and influencers. These are not meant to replace any specific curriculum but are tools to supplement or enrich any current programs and communication. Feel free to expound upon them by asking students more questions, creating discussion or creating assignments related to the content, or simply as a plain resource to get students thinking.

Ages 4 - 13?

We recommend: 

Ages 13 - 99?

We recommend: 

Text sketched Jacks House

This activity was created to be presented at a local 1st-grade class and, at the time, my son's kindergarten class. It has since been converted into an interactive video that can be used by teachers, parents, superheroes, or whoever needs it at this time! Enjoy; I hope the kiddos find this activity fun and engaging!

Jacks House
Close up of a road

Pathways into construction

One of the amazing things about the construction industry is the opportunities. Not only once you are in the industry, but the path you choose to get into the industry. In construction, a college degree is not what determines if you are successful or not, it is completely up to YOU. See below for some helpful resources, or jump over to to check out some of the great resources they offer as well. 


Favorite Career Pathway Resources:

Transportation and Construction girl 

With a goal for women to push past the stereotypes and pursue a career in transportation and construction!

TCG Girl banner

Build Your Future website

Interactive tools, Trade Cards and videos of those in the industry

BYF Logo

Girl in the Hard Hat Video

To go, or not to go: To college for construction that is...

Girl in the Hard Hat Logo
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